Achieving change through the gift of giving

(Posted on 14/09/23)

Achieving change through the gift of giving

Our client The Forshaw Group is proud to support many varying causes and events for the good of the community. The following roundup highlights some of the company's recent charitable activities: 

Splashing around

Saturday 2 September was the annual Across Mersey swim, and this year was extra special because it also marked its 30th anniversary. The Forshaw Group's (TFG's) managing director Liam Hanlon organises this event with his fellow Tri-4-Life team, and in fact, was also his twentieth crossing, an amazing achievement.

Supporting and cheering on the swimmers were some important pillars in the community, including the Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Mary Rasmussen, Billy Hancock and John Liversage from the Royal Marines Association. The swimmers were welcomed ashore by the Mayor of Wirral Councillor Jerry Williams.

The swim began at Cockle Inlet in Liverpool, where 147 men and women braved the cold and gruelling swim across the Mersey. The swimmers crossed the river in a team – or pod – for safety, with some making it over in just 20 minutes. The swimmers were greeted by large crowds at Monks Ferry slipway in Birkenhead.

Liam said of the event,

“This is a fantastic event that I thoroughly enjoyed organising. I’d like to thank the safety teams, Ruth Embleton from Wirral council, Joe Blythe from Peel Ports, and the staff at Mersey VTS for their support in the pre-event logistics and help on the day.”

The event collectively raised money for the following charities Liverpool Heartbeat, Split Perspectivz, Sam Jalloh Motivate Africa, Stick n’ Step, Special Boat Service Association, Merseyside Sub Aqua Club, Wallasey Amateur Boxing Club, Maggie’s Cancer Support, The HIVE Birkenhead, The Paul Lavelle Foundation, Tri-4-Life, and the respective Lord Mayor’s  charities.

A walk in the park

Last Saturday (9 September) saw the fourth annual walk for Maggie’s in memory of Paula Roberts.

Maggie’s is a Merseyside-based charity that provides support for anyone with cancer, and their family and friends. The support is free, and no referrals or appointments are needed. The centre offers a haven, and a breathing space away from hospitals.

Taking part in the walk was The Forshaw Group’s very own team of walkers and family and friends. The walk started at the Old Baths picnic area and finishing at Maggie’s Cancer Centre in Clatterbridge.  The walk brought together family members of all generations to take part in an almost 10 km walk. A warm welcome was received from the team at Maggie’s, where tea and coffee were served, and Diane Hanlon organised a raffle.  A grand total of £1200 was raised.

Find out more about The Forshaw Group here.